
EBCC Annual General Meeting 2023 took place

May 11, 2023 | alena.klvanova

EBCC AGM was held on April 27, 2023, starting at 19.00 CEST, Online via Zoom. The EBCC Chair, Mark Eaton, welcomed the audience and introduced his Chairman´s report summarising the main outputs and progress since the last Annual General Meeting in April 2022, held in Luzern, during the EBCC conference.

Petr Voříšek provided a report on the EBCC office, operated since April 2022, based at the Czech Society for Ornithology in Prague. Then, Chris van Turnhout continued, presenting the Treasurer´s report, followed by Danae Portolou and her report on the changes in the rows of EBCC National delegates.

After that, the EBCC Board elections took place. There were 42 participants, including national delegates (76%), PECBMS national coordinators (18%), EBBA2 national coordinators (24%), EBP national coordinators (18%), and other attendees. They voted for the new EBCC Chair, Verena Keller, and the new Vice-Chair, Sergi Herrando.

After a small break, Alena Klvaňová provided a report on the PECBMS´ progress, followed by Anna Gamero, PECBMS research officer, who introduced a recent study on the association of the European bird species with the EUNIS habitats categories conducted for the European Commission. The next talk was given by Sergi Herrando, who reported on the recent EBBA Live project. Finally, Gabriel Gargallo introduced the development of the European Bird Portal.


Watch the recording of the EBCC AGM 2023 on the EBCC YouTube channel.


0:00:00 Chair’s report, Mark Eaton

0:18:25 Report from the EBCC Office, Petr Voříšek

0:27:23 Treasurer’s report, Chris van Turnhout

0:32:05 Delegate officer report & changes in the delegates, Danae Portolou

0:38:40 Board elections

0:49:20 PECBMS report, Alena Klvaňová

0:56:00 Exploration of the association of the European bird species with the EUNIS habitats categories (level II), Anna Gamero

1:10:42 EBBA Live, Sergi Herrando

1:25:00 EBP development, Gabriel Gargallo

1:41:40 Discussion